Bluetooth Low Energy Game Controller


This project features the Texas Instruments SimpleLink Bluetooth Low Energy CC2640R2F Launchpad interfaced to a Educational BoosterPack MKII to function as Bluetooth Low Energy Game Controller.

Hardware Block Diagram:


BOOSTXL-BATPAKMKII is used to power up the Bluetooth Low Energy Game Controller. Alternatively you can use 4 AA batteries as power supply.

Project Hardware Modifications:

  • Remove TI CC2640R2F Launchpad R52. This effectively disconnects the LaunchPad’s BPRST header pin from the CC2640R2F device’s RESET_N pin. Then EN1 circuitry of BOOSTXL-BATPAKMKII pulls the signal down to ground which is connected to the TI CC2640R2F BPRST Pin 13. If you are using 4 AA batteries as power supply skip this step.R52
  • Put a 10K Ohm Resistor across R9 of BOOSTXL-BATPAKMKII Rev 1.0. This is fix for the charging issue. Place a jumper at JP6 BIN. If you are using 4 AA batteries as power supply skip this step.IMG_1216
  • Remove 5V and 3V3 jumpers. Move VSENSE jumper from XDS110 Power to External Power. IMG_1207 - Copy
  • BTN1 of Educational BoosterPack MKII is connected to TCK pin of TI CC2640R2F LP BP Connector. The TCK pin at CC2640R2F LP BP Connector is not connected to anything. So to make use of it short it to DIO15.IMG_1224 - Copy
  • BTN2 of Educational BoosterPack MKII is connected to TD0 DIO16 pin of TI CC2640R2F LP BP Connector. To connect DIO16 to CC2640R2F place a wire short at R48 pad. Remove TDO and TDI Jumper.IMG_1225 - Copy
  • Set Educational BoosterPack MKII J5 jumper to 2-3 position. This is so we can set the LCD Backlight to off.IMG_1226

Bluetooth Low Energy Game Controller Inputs:

  • Educational BoosterPack MKII Joystick, BTN1 and BTN2.
  • CC2640R2F Launchpad BTN1 = SELECT, BTN2 = START

The BTN inputs are mapped to HID commands that is for NES Online Games Website.

Software Requirements:

Sending HID Commands Periodically every 80 ms:

The usual format for keyboard reports is the following byte array:
[modifier, reserved, Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6]
Key1 = Joystick X
Key 2 = Joystick Y
Key 3 = Educational BoosterPack BTN1
Key 4 = Educational BoosterPack BTN2
Key 5 = CC2640R2F LP BTN1/BTN2

Program: TI CC2640R2F BLE Game Controller

Note: See, program link for instructions.

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